Participating in a job fair is a great way to gain access to many potential candidates who are eager to start a new role. Job fairs are worth it for employers looking to meet many diverse candidates excited to start a new position. They’re a great way for new businesses to build awareness of their company and get to know others in their industry.
As the main focus of the Project is to train people about digital and business skills in order to activate the skills supply for the ICT labour market and to put the improved skills in effective use, within the KosICT Technology Festival, held in ITP, Prizren on 22nd of October 2021, we organised JobFair for our trainees. Information was send to them regarding the organisation of JobFair were ICT companies and trainees/job seekers of different profiles of ICT sector and digital marketing are invited to participate.
Interviews were completed by 13 ICT companies and start-ups as following:
Proper ICT
Rai Academy, Roitiv
SDS company
Cacttus Education
Merr udhe
RRitu e meso.
As part of project activity, we had also training of existing staff and ICT teachers for improvement of their IT capacities. Therefore they also participated in the event together with a number of their students from high professional schools:
“Pjeter Bogdani” Ferizaj;
“Lutfi Musiqi” Vushtrri
“Shaban Spahija” Peje
“Skender Luarasi” Suhareke
Students of professional schools had the chance to interact with ICT companies and learn what the market needs for ICT workforce are.